Sabtu, 21 Desember 2013

On birthday

I browsed for reasons on why people celebrate birthday.  These are some of them:

  1. A birthday is a time to celebrate birth itself, the joy of life. ...... To recall our birth is to recall a new beginning. No matter how things went yesterday, or last year, we always have the capacity to try again. (
  2. Birthdays are a good reminder of what God has given us. (
  3. We should celebrate our birthday as a reminder of our original purpose here on this planet.................. Our birthdays are a celebration of the gift of life, .... It is a time to reflect on who we are, what we have been given and what we plan to achieve. It is a time to be grateful to God for our very existence (
  4. To celebrate your life...yes everyday should be a celebration, but the day you were born, the day you entered this life. A beautiful life that deserves to be celebrated with family and friends. (
  5. A birthday is an occasion on which we celebrate that original event of our birth, not in order to count the time that has passed and speculate about the time that is left, but to remind ourselves that each day is a new gift. (
Cilebut, Bogor, 27 Oktober 2013

Rabu, 14 Agustus 2013


I was assigned by my office to join a training in a country that i never visited before. It is a three weeks training and today is one of the last days. It is being conducted in a city in North Carolina, USA, named Raleigh. The participants came from 6 different countries: Indonesia, Vietnam, India, Serbia, South Africa and Egypt. The trainers were American, but some of them came from Costa Rica, Polandia and Brazil.

I have several experiences of this type where i met different people from different countries from different parts of the world. And in this type of occasion, there is one thing that always come out my mind, which is that we are all simply .......... the same. We have the same need, the same desire, the same fear, and a lot of things that we have in common, and, i believe that there is no problem that we can not solve as long as we work together.

This reminds me of one song, which was made popular by one of my favourite singer, Celine Dion, titled Let's Talk About Love.

Everywhere I go, all the places that I've  Been
Every smile is a new horizon on a land I've never seen
There are people around the world
Different faces, different names
But there's one true emotion that reminds me we're the same
Let's talk about love

From the laughter of a child, to the tears of a grown man
There's a thread that runs right through us all and helps us understand
As subtle as a breeze, that fans a flicker to a flame
From the very first sweet melody, to the very last refrain

Let's talk about love
Let's talk about us
Let's talk about life
Let's talk about trust
Let's talk about love

It's the king of all who live and the queen of good hearts
It's the ace you may keep up your sleeve, till the name is all but lost
As deep as any sea, with the rage of any storm
But as gentle as a falling leaf on any autumn morn

Let's talk about love, it's all we're needin'
Let's talk about us, it's the air we're breathin'
Let's talk about life, I wanna know you
Let's talk about trust and I wanna show you
Let's talk about love

I remember an opinion that saying that the ability to send a man to the moon is not human progress, but progress is when all human love each other more.  

King's Village Apartment, NCSU, Raleigh, NC, 13 August 2013

Jumat, 07 Juni 2013

Sedikit pesan tentang pemakaian obat

Bulan ini genap 7 tahun sejak bapak saya terkena serangan stroke. Juni 2006,  Bapak terkena serangan stroke. Setelah 10 hari di rumah sakit Bapak diijinkan pulang, namun masih dengan bantuan tongkat karena lengan dan kaki kirinya masih lemah. Beberapa tahun Bapak menjalani rawat jalan, mencoba beberapa jenis pengobatan alternatif mulai dari jamu, refleksologi, terapi listrik,sampai terapi dengan chikung.
Hari ini, belum sepenuhnya normal, tangan kirinya belum bisa digunakan.

Terlepas dari apa yang sudah terjadi, saya tertarik membahas apa yang sebelumnya terjadi. Bapak sering mengeluh sakit kepala, dan sudah sangat terbiasa meminum obat penghilangan sakit (analgetik) sampai dua tablet sekali minum. Saya tidak pernah menyadari kalau sakit kepalanya selama itu disebabkan karena tekanan darah tinggi. dan itu tidak pernah terkontol baik karena gejalanya selalu ditangani dengan obat penghilang nyeri. Didukung faktor lain yang ikut berperan, Bapak terkena serangan stroke.

Mungkin peluang Bapak saya terkena stroke akan jauh lebih rendah bila tekanan darah tingginya terkontrol. Mungkin tekanan darah tinggi Bapak akan lebih terkontrol bila gejala hipertensinya ditangani dengan obat yang tepat. Dan mungkin bila setiap orang bijak dalam mengonsumsi obat bebas, banyak yang bisa diselamatkan dari penyakit berat. 

Rabu, 20 Februari 2013

Dear Readers,

Dear Readers,

The main idea behind development of this blog was to having a media on which i can share ideas, opinions, or interesting facts that might be of benefit for others to know.

They may comprise issues related mostly to health, particularly to medicine, the field where i have been exposed since i started learning pharmaceutical sciences in 1999 and then in 2005 started to work in an institution whose one of its core business is related closely to medicine.

But things may go much broader, and you may read almost about anything here.

So, as the blog title says, 'to share', i hope that this blog can encourage anyone to also share anything that we have for the good of others.

Any constructive comments are welcome.

Warmest regards,

20 Feb 2013
Baranangsiang, Bogor

Pembaca terkasih,
Ide utama dibalik pembuatan blog ini adalah untuk membuat suatu sarana dimana saya dapat membagi ide, pendapat, atau fakta menarik yang mungkin dapat berguna untuk orang lain.

Blog ini dapat berisi isu yang kebanyakan mungkin akan terkait kesehatan, terutama obat, yang menjadi bidang perhatian saya sejak belajar ilmu farmasi sejak tahun 1999 dan mulai bekerja tahun 2005 di suatu lembaga yang salah satu tugas utamanya terkait erat dengan obat.

Tetapi isi blog ini bisa sangat bervariasi, dan mungkin apapun bisa anda temukan di sini.

Jadi sebagaimana judul blog ini 'just to share', semoga blog ini juga bisa mendorong pembaca untuk juga ikut berbagai apapun yang kita miliki untuk kebaikan orang lain.

Komentar konstruktif apapun akan dengan senang hati saya terima.

Salam hangat,
20 Feb 2013
Baranangsiang, Bogor